
I am Deepali Soni and it’s a great privilege to be part of this august group “Womennovators” where women come together to empower each other. I have been a working woman ever since the start of my career. In the initial 9-10 years, after completing my education with Bachelors in Physics and post graduation in Law, I assisted my dad in his business. We were a company who pioneered the concept of computer education & literacy way back in the 1980s. It was called IEC SOFTWARES LTD. Under the aegis of IEC, I pioneered the concept of computer aided design and started the IEC School of Art & Fashion that grew up to more than 300 centers all over India. I headed the institute in the capacity of a Director for about 5-6 years after which I had to leave the country due to certain personal issues. Ever since my return from USA in 2004, I have been working as an online retain exporter engaged in the exports of rich Indian textiles & handicrafts. In the last almost 20 years, I have earned the title of being a top eBay power seller in USA, UK & Australia. My brand name goes by the name, MISTRONIC & my product range includes richly handcrafted textiles & home furnishings like bedspreads, cushion covers, wall hangings, curtains, etc. done by the craftsmen & weavers of Rajasthan & Gujarat. Since most of the material used in our products is vintage swatches & patches done most delicately by hand, each piece is unique in its own way. Recently I added art & prints to my product portfolio. Being a visual artist by practice, I used to do a lot of digital art on my iPad in my free time. So about 2 years ago, I had this brilliant idea of making art prints out of my saved work on my iPad. And from there I started my journey as an artist. And now I have been successfully selling my canvas paintings & art prints through eBay & etsy. I would also like to share something about yet another creative pursuit of mine-FASHION. I have always had flair for fashion & styling as well as for writing. And I combined these two creative talents together in DEESAYZ, a fashion & lifestyle blog, which I started in December 2015. In fact DeeSayz is a culmination of all my creative energies in a single place. This is a baby that I have nurtured with love & passion. It is my space where I write about anything worthy of sharing or inspiration, be it fashion, style tips, art, décor, wellness, lifestyle tips, new brands, beauty tips, etc. etc. I am so proud to say that within a span of few years, DeeSayz has a huge following on social media with almost 27000 followers on Instagram alone. As an individual, I have always believed in minimalism and a minimalist approach to life. Resonating the same ideology about minimalism & sustainability in fashion and in daily living, earned DeeSayz a position amongst the TOP 30 Minimal Fashion Blogs of 2018. And last year, DeeSayz was announced as one amongst the top 20 blogs in India. Simple living & high thinking with a never-say-die attitude is my clear cut principle in life. I hope I am able to inspire a little with my thought process and my body of work.


Fashion & Lifestyle
